onsdag 19. februar 2014

Sydney day 1 of 2

 We arrived in Sydney February 15, and woke up to this view from the ship;
Some of the passengers went to the opera at night to see Carmen, and they said it`s the best they ever seen. It was even brought horses on the stage (Don`t think they were singing though).
Weather was not good, but the location was great. We started with going to Starbuck`s for internet and Latte;
And then, time to explore this amazing city.
And singing in the rain we found Alex Gibson, if you like to hear good music you can look him up at ITunes.
Sydney and Australia is great, the atmosphere, the people, seems like everybody visiting is falling a bit in love with this continent, and we are no exception. Unfortunately our night here ended very different than we expected. Poor Daniel, who is 5, fell in kid`s club at the boat and broke his arm so we spent the evening at
We have to say that the health care he received was excellent. This is a hospital who only treat children. He got a bed, a TV with cartoons and a speaker to his ear. He got painkillers up his nose (!), never seen that before, but great for a boy who hates swallowing any kind of medicine. Unfortunately x-ray showed that his arm was broken, so he got a “soft” cast to wear for the next days and we left the hospital without getting charged anything, not even for the “materials” as Norway is so good with adding to your bill if you get a plaster. Here free healthcare actually means free healthcare, and why it`s like that for Norwegians we don`t know, but we surely appreciate the great treatment he got.

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