tirsdag 14. januar 2014







Valley Church Beach, 13.01.2014

After six stright days at the ocean we arrived early in the morning to this former British colony who got their independence some 30 years ago. The population of the island is approximately 90.000, and their main (and only) income are from tourists. The second we left the port area we immediately had a tail of people offering us everything. Scary for the youngest children who actually started to cry. We tried to go for a walk in St John, but gave up, and took a taxi to a beautiful beach. Emelda, our driver was great, and we can absolutely recommend her if you should ever go here (emelda_frank@hotmail.com).

She charged us 45 Usd ( 8 per person, and we are 7, and kids were free) to go to this beach (each way) and she came back for us at the time we had agreed upon. On the way we “only” saw one ugly traffic accident, and heard about another one, so a good driver is important.

Antigua is a beautiful island, but the price level……………as mentioned earlier, it`s all based on tourists. They have their local currency, but take USD from tourist. The beach we were at, they wanted 35 USD for a bowl of soup….can`t tell you if it was worth the price, as we didn`t try it.

But the beaches, WOW, the most torques water I ever seen. Clean, good shell sand, parasols and sunbeds for rent, and all we had to do was swim and relax.

So Helene got her 20th birthday on the beach in Antigua


Tomorrow Aruba


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